およそ5mmで細かくカットされたスリランカ産のレモングラスが登場! 香りが少なめで、その他の種類のハーブの香りとブレンドしやすい一品です。 レモンのような爽やかさが控えめなハーブティー作りをお好みの方にはオススメです!Dried Lemongrass from Sri Lanka is cut around 0.5cm in width, which is way less flavoursome than the Thailand. The less sourness of citrusy flavour is perfect for blending with other herbal items; mints, rose, elder flower, mulberry leaf, mallow blue, lavender, chamomile, passion flower and so forth. This is our recommendation for those who prefer making some herb tea with a pinch of lemony flavour.