Transformers: ダーク of the ムーン - MechTech Leader - Sentinel Prime
【商品名】Transformers: ダーク of the ムーン - MechTech Leader - Sentinel Prime【カテゴリー】ホビー:ロボット・子供向けフィギュア【商品説明】The strength of his will and the power of his sword are spoken of in reverent whispers by Autobot Now that he has returned, the final defeat of Megatron Spring into action with this vehicle-to-robot hero Switch your fiery Sentinel Prime figure from robot mode to fire truck mode While the bot battle rages on, your figure 体積: 5.5 x 10 x 重量: 2 poundこちらの商品はご注文日よりお届けまで10日から14日ほどお時間を頂いております。スタッフ一同、お客様に安心してお取引頂けるよう心がけております。Transformers: Dark of the Moon - MechTech Leader - Sentinel Prime